Who am I ?
Who am I ?
Who am I !
I asked this question to many people, some told me that, I am the son of my father and some said that, I am an Astrologer, I am an MBA professional, I am the friend of Satish, I am Daddy, I am Husband, I am Brother, I am an Indian, I am a devotee and finally, I am an insane person...............
Not satisfied with their reply,
I searched every nook and corner
From north to south & east to west
From the Himalayas to the Sathuragiri Hills
From Ganga to Cauvery
From pillar to post & from post to pillar
Crossing 50 years still searching, not given up yet.
At last, I landed on the Nilanchal parvat,
On my Divine Mother's lap, I found myself,
In a daze, I slept to finally realise who I am, yes. I am her Sadhaka, who missed her during his childhood days.