Sunday, December 18, 2016

My Guru and My Education

My Guru and My Education

My Guru never repeats the same sentence or lesson again. If we missed it due to concentration problems or any other problem, it means we have missed it forever. So we have to listen to each and every word carefully. He insists us to absorb the knowledge directly from his teachings and never encourages to write in our notebook.

I always connect his training from the words of Vimalananda (from the book 'Aghora') as follows: "What sort of educational system do we have nowadays? They announce their examinations in advance so that any idiot can mug up a bunch of notes in preparation. The key to testing someone is to test them when they least expect it and are least prepared for it. Then you have an accurate idea of how much they really know."

Friday, July 22, 2016

Debate / Argument

I never like to debate or argue with anybody as everybody has their own views, beliefs, and faiths. I don't like to change their views or criticize their beliefs. But still, some people try to drag me into it as soon as they come to know that I am an Astrologer. I would like to share one such experience in this post.

I visited a Music Teacher (Keyboard player) to know about the admission procedure for my son. During our conversation, he came to know about my profession and asked the questions to influence me about his faith.

The conversation is as follows:

Music Teacher's Q: You are a well educated person and an MBA Professional, how can you believe in Astrology?

My Ans. Since, I am an educated person and a Professional, I believe Astrology. My education taught me to respect sastras, vedas, and vedangas. Astrology is one of the Vedanga and I believe it.

Music Teacher's Q: How can the planets influence people on earth?

My Ans. Doesn't Moon influence the Sea level causing high tides on Full Moon and New Moon days. You can observe the psychologically ill persons on these days as there will be a lot of variations in their behaviour. Likewise, all planets show their influence on us.

Music Teacher's Q: Astrology cannot be seen, it is fake?

My Ans. Astrology cannot be seen, it can be felt.

Music Teacher's Q: In my religion, we don't believe Astrology. we believe in God.

My Question: Ok, show me your God as you believe his existence.

He answered me, His God is a spirit and cannot be seen.

I concluded the conversation and told him, you have never seen your God and still believe him. You think that your belief is right. Likewise, everybody has their own beliefs. You don't have the right to question the other people about their beliefs and faiths.

Every Religion says, ''Trust God"

I respect all religions & living beings. Above all, I am a Human Being.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Single Dictum

Astrology doesn't work on single dictum. It works on the combined efforts of all Nine planets, Stars, and Rasis.

Some of my clients studied the single dictum's and ask me the questions based on it. The following are some of the questions:

Q1. What happens, when Ketu in the 7th house?
Q2. What is the result of Jupiter in 2nd house?
Q3. What is the Gochara (transit) results of Jupiter transiting 5th house?
Q4.  I have Lakshmi Yoga and why it's not working?

and many more questions like this.

My Answers: All the above questions are based on a single planet and on one yoga. There is no mention about the Natal charts i.e. Rasi chart. For example, Ketu in 7th house behaves in a different manner for different Lagnas and with conjunctions and aspects of other planets. It is good to learn the basic principles and experiment with different permutations and combinations before coming to conclusions.

The mere presence of Yogas doesn't guarantee the results. Because there are several factors to nullify the yogas. For example: If a malefic planet aspects the Lakshmi Yoga in the horoscope, then the native may not get the benefits of the yoga.        

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Homa performed during Surya Grahanam (Solar Eclipse)

Homa performed in my home on account of Surya Grahanam today i.e. 9th March, 2016  for the peace and prosperity of all beings and the universe. Thanks to my  Guru, God and Planets for making it successful.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Ujjain darshan - Mahakaali's blessings

From my childhood days, I am very much obsessed and passionate about Mahakali pooja. It may be because of the stories I heard about King Vikramaditya and famous poet Kalidasa of Ujjain (formerly known as Avantikapuri). Kalidasa got the boons from Mahakaali and became great poet. I too wanted to get boons from Mahakaali. Due to restrictions from family, I never got an opportunity to perform pooja to Mahakaali. From that time, Mahakaali sat in my subconscious mind, waiting for the right time to arrive.

That waiting moment came to me this year during my visit to Ujjain. Mahakaal is the Lord of Time and the main deity in Ujjain. Other important temples in Ujjain are Gad Kaalika temple and Kaal Bhairav temple. Gad Kaalika temple is the place where great poet Kalidasa got his literary skills as a boon from Goddess Kali. I prayed to Goddess Kaalika to bless me and give boons to me as well. My prayers were answered and got the boon in the same day. It is not the magic of one day prayer that got me the result. It's my prayers from many decades with sub conscious & conscious mind for the blessings. The photo of Gad Kaalika is uploaded for the benefit of my readers to get the blessings and boons from her. 

Kaal Bhairav Temple is another historic temple not to be missed. Liquor is offered to Kaal Bhairav as part of worship. The photo of Kaal Bhairav drinking liquor is uploaded below.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Miracles happen

Somewhere , sometime or at some point
i thought, do miracles happen
believe or not?
many years passed without any miracle........
I do remember the day, when Kaalbhairav at Ujjain
blessed me to live with Kaal (time) and to guide the people with Kaal.....
i left my corporate job and just obeyed
then what, why something is waiting for me now at Sathuragiri hills
got the call to visit Mahalingam
what else karma is pending for me?
prayed 18 siddhars and got blessings
felt very happy without communication (no mobile connectivity and no electricity with some solar lights)
my soul got lighter and lighter, got connected to nature..........
lost the route in my return journey
then, where to go?
for some moments, again felt very happy for missing the route
Miracles do happen
Lord Bhairav came in the form of Dog
and showed me the path
he asked, why slow? still you got time to live and guide the people
and said, yourself cannot be liberated easily
slowly, reached the edge of the hills
finally agreed, miracles do happen

(Just remembering this post shared on 28th Jan, 2015)

Photo taken at the entrance to Sathuragiri Hills